The American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law welcomes submissions of articles, comments, notes, and book reviews for publication. Please note, however, that submissions are not returned.

We are currently looking for articles from law professors and legal practioners that present new legal arguments or perspectives about timely legal issues relating to U.S. laws directly or comparatively. There should also be substantial legal analysis throughout the piece. We prefer 15,000 words more or less, including at least 150 footnotes. Generally, we evaluate articles depending on many factors such as the strength of the argument, novelty, complexity, policy considerations, and whether the overall topic(s) falls within the Journal’s subject area.

If you are not a student but would wish to be featured on our online Forum, please email for more information.

If you would like to submit an article for publication, please email or through Scholastica.

JGSPL cannot provide legal advice, legal referrals, or other type of legal help for anyone’s case or legal issue. Please do not email JGSPL asking for referrals, legal advice, or legal help. Thank you.