Blog Post #6: Legally Speaking, What’s Next? Responses to Police Brutality
By Whitley Granberry Lately, there have been countless protests, marches, riots, rallies, discussions, die-ins, teach-ins, town hall…
Blog Post #4: What ‘Zero Tolerance’ Should Really Mean
We’ve all heard the statistic – 1 in 4 women will experience sexual assault during their college…
Blog #3-Courts Could Help Create An AIDS-free Generation
By Brian Teets Yesterday [December 1] was World AIDS Day, which has been dedicated to raising awareness…
Blog Post #2: California’s “Yes Means Yes” law—A Sexual Straitjacket or A Foundational Step for Sexual Assault?
By Lauren Paglini On September 28, 2014, the crusade against sexual assault achieved a major victory in…
Blog Post #1–Transgender Incarceration
Thank you to Deanna Glickman for writing JGSPL’s first blog post! As we approach the Transgender Day…